Sandra Jorna-Lakke, PhD

In origin physical therapist working in several work environments, Sandra is now health care scientist and lecturer at the Hanze University Groningen. From September ’22 on, she continued the project lead from Andrea Werkman after working 1,5 years at several working packages within the INPRO project. Sandra is motivated to improve health care through facilitating interaction between therapists, students, teachers, and researchers about offering high quality interprofessional care to patients.
Janny Vedder, BSc

Janny Vedder is a trained dietitian, has worked previously in health care and food industry in and outside the country. Now works in the study programme nutrition & dietetics at the Hanze UAS in Groningen (The Netherlands). She is internship coordinator, international coordinator and within the INPRO project she is co-lead assistant for the overall project-lead and co-lead for the communication and dissemination, especially communication.
Andrea Werkman, PhD

As a nutritionist involved in the training of (public health) dietitians at the Hanze UAS in Groningen, Andrea was responsible for the coordination of the application phase of the INPRO-project. After the start of the project in January 2021 she the overall project coordinator under the Summer of 2022. All lessons learned so far and especially the good interprofessional and international cooperation between all colleagues involved are of great inspiration also for other projects and activities.
Joost Hurkmans, PhD

Dr. J.J.S (Joost) Hurkmans is researcher in the clinical practice at the rehabilitation center “Revalidatie Friesland” in The Netherlands. He worked 20 years as a speech and language therapist and clinical linguist in a rehabilitation clinic. Now, he is the project-leader of a Student-Run interprofessional Learning Ward (SR-IPWL) and the project leader of workpackage 7 at INPRO.
Jaana Paltamaa, PhD

Jaana Paltamaa works as a senior researcher at JAMK. She is the leader of work packages 3 and 5 of the INPRO project. As a physiotherapist, PhD and associate professor, she has long experience in applied research and development with partners from working life. She has a special interest in functioning and is familiar with the training and implementation of the WHO ICF classification. Since 2013, she has been involved in WHO-FIC FDRG (Functioning and Disability Reference Group) as a collaborator.
Jaana Ritsilä, MSc

Jaana is working in Finland at JAMK University of Applied Sciences as a senior lecturer and program coordinator of the occupational therapy degree program. Developing interprofessional teaching and learning has been her desire during her long career at JAMK. Alongside with pedagogical innovations at JAMK she has used her expertise in several national and international development projects related to interprofessional learning in health and social care studies in higher education.
Pirkko Ratinen, MSc

As a nurse (RN), Pirkko works as a Senior Lecturer in JAMK Finland, teaching nurses and midwives. Her key qualifications are nursing in perioperative and pain management field. During this project her interest is building a bridge between ICF and nursing practice as well as the interprofessional co-operation.
Laura Mutanen

As a physiotherapist, specialized in mental health, she has a fifteen years long experience from acute care to long-term rehabilitation. She has worked in different countries and in that way experienced of different working cultures. She has a special interest in development of interprofessional ways of working. While working in the hospital’s intensive care unit 2011-2014, she and the rest of the team developed new interprofessional ways to improve patient rehabilitation, for which she was rewarded. Laura works as co-leader in work package 5 of the INPRO project
Mag. Viktoria Magenschab

Viktoria Magenschab studied business education and is the managing director of the Moorheilbad Harbach. In the INPRO project she is the main contact person and coordinator for the tasks of the team of Moorheilbad Harbach. She strives to integrate the learning from the project in the house and to expand the competences in the house.
Christine Haumer

Christine Haumer studies education with a focus on the subjects English and Biology. Within the INPRO project she works for Moorheilbad Harbach as a task coordinator and translator.
FH-Prof. Anita Kidritsch, MSc

Anita Kidritsch is a trained physiotherapist and works as a researcher at the institute of health sciences at the University of Applied Sciences in St. Pölten (Austria). Within the INPRO project she is coordinator of the St. Pölten UAS’ contributions and involved in developing and implementing interprofessional education.
Dr. Ursula Hemetek, MPH

Ursula Hemetek is a trained dietitian and works as a lecturer in the study programme of dietetics at the University of Applied Sciences in St.Pölten (Austria). Within the INPRO project she is involved in developing and implementing (international) interprofessional education in study programmes for health professionals.
Ingrid Aerts, MSc

Ingrid Aerts is a lecturer and researcher at the Nutrition and Dietetics programme at AP UAS, Antwerp (Belgium). She graduated as a dietician in 1987 and specialised in sports nutrition in 2001. She has been working for the Food and Dietetics programme since 2004. In 2019 she completed the master’s degree in Training and Education Sciences as a working student. Since 2008, she has been involved in IPCIHC (InterProfessional Collaboration in Healthcare) as a tutor and steering committee member, and since then she has deepened her understanding of interprofessional collaboration. As part of her master’s thesis, she investigated the tutors’ perceptions of evaluating the interprofessional collaboration of a learning group. Within the INPRO project (Interprofessionalism in action!) she is responsible for the workpackage that will elaborate on interprofessional competencies and the assessment of them.
Claudia De Weerdt, MSc

Claudia De Weerdt is a researcher at the Nutrition and Dietetics programme at AP UAS, Antwerp (Belgium). She graduated as a Master physiotherapist in 2018 and completed in 2019 the master’s degree Management and policy in healthcare. She works as a physiotherapist in a hospital and has experience as a physiotherapist in the first line. Since 2021, she is involved in IPCIHC (InterProfessional Collaboration in Healthcare) as a tutor. Within the INPRO project she is part of the workpackage that elaborates on interprofessional competencies and the assessment of them.