INPRO Competency Framework CF

These documents provide a comprehensive overview of the Competency Framework in four languages.

You can utilize the Excel file to choose specific learning outcomes or behaviours tailored to your needs. Instructions on how to use the Excel are available in either the instruction video Link or the user's guide Link.


  1. INPRO CF English competency book Link
  2. INPRO CF English Link
  3. INPRO CF English Excel Link
  • This document provides an overview of only the ICF competencies within the INPRO CF. Link


  1. INPRO CF Dutch competency book Link
  2. INPRO CF Dutch Link
  3. INPRO CF Dutch Excel Link


  1. INPRO CF German competency book Link
  2. INPRO CF German Link
  3. INPRO CF German Excel Link


  1. INPRO CF Finnish competency book Link
  2. INPRO CF Finnish Link
  3. INPRO CF Finnish Excel Link



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