EFAD Webinar on IP learning interventions
Friday March 26th 2021, Maila Hemetek (St. Pölten UAS), Ingrid Aerts (AP Antwerp) and Andrea Werkman (Hanze UAS), have been delivering a compact webinar for education members of the EFAD. The Education and Lifelong Learning Committee was so kind to organize this webinar and around 25 participants have attended this session. Our plans on INPRO and more specifically on how to work on interprofessional learning interventions and on interprofessional competences and the assessment of these competences were well received. The topic is very important and also in the field of dietetics the interprofessional training is very top of mind. If you also want to get hold of the report from work package 4 on the overview of competencies and assessment tools, please become a member of the INPRO community on our website.